Monday, August 12, 2013

Defeating the Battle 8-11-13

Yesterday was a successful day in the eating department. The 1st part of the day was easier then I anticipated, but come 2nd half of the day it was a little tougher.

My mind tried wandering & thinking of all the JUNK.

None the less....I found myself a little hungry after dinner & was 81 calories under my calorie goal, so I consumed 1/2 a bag of popcorn (4 cups) which was 80 calories.

Normally I would just stay under, but I am trying not to undereat just as much as I'm trying not to overeat.

I updated my weight & info on here. It gave me minimum calorie consumption of 1250 a day to eat to lose 43 lbs in 8 mos..which is what I chose.

Figured 5 lbs a month is a good enough goal.

Heck technically I ran yesterday so I ate 1249 cals & burned 400 +, so....

Today I shall fight & prevail.

I have to walk to my eldest school w/ both my boys to time how long it takes us to walk, so I can figure the schedule out for school time.

I shall right SOON, if not REAL SOON!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Been a good while since I have blogged. Not much has been really happening but at the same time there prob has been alot happening. Make sense?

I guess I feel lately that nothing I have to say is very much important. In the way is just bull. So what's the point. Kind of blah who cares?!

Anywho...I have been making 1-3 new recipes a day.  I am so HAPPY to be doing that!! I gave up on cereal 2 weeks ago. I got "TIRED" of feeling like I am "miserable" because I get 2 spoonfuls of cereal and that is all. I have never been happy with eating cereal and I ate it 4 days a week. 2 of the other days were plain oatmeal, and "special" oatmeal. The other 1 day was eggs. I decided I love my oatmeal and I love my eggs. I am runner and those are PERFECT for me. So....there are a TONS of recipes I can make for both. Then I have eggs and oatmeal with different things in them so I wont get sick of them because it is never the same old recipe. So I trade off between eggs and oatmeal each day. One day being special pancakes (new recipes as well) that day being on Sunday when we are ALL home to eat it. :-D ALL my recipes are thanks to HUNGRY GIRL!! I feel so awesome making new things because not only am I satisfied in the hunger department but I get a taste of so many things so I do NOT feel deprived AT ALL WHATSOEVER!! Great choice on my behalf. LOVE it!! Here is the link to my "fitness/weightloss" page on FB that I post ALL my recipe pictures. Feel free to take a look!!

Been running my normal stuff. So nothing new there. I was supposed to do my 1rst set of intervals yesterday. 3 miles worth. I didn't! :( I decided instead of doing 3 mil HILLS every week I would do them every OTHER week. So I still will run 3 miles but not hills on the other weeks. I then decided I mind as well but it to good use and do intervals. Well I learned yesterday that the plan on NOT waking up early and doing it later in the day...for me...DOES NOT WORK. Life/energy gets sucked out of me quickly. So if I do not wake early and do it while everyone is sleeping (except obviously me ugh lol) I will NOT get it done. Lesson learned. I am a EARLY morning runner. That's it. No if's, and's, or dang butt's!  We live and we learn.

Now also speaking of energy. I have none. Like not just I am a mother I have no energy kind I mean really NO ENERGY. I asked a question on FB the other day if there was anyway of knowing you are anemic WITHOUT going to the dr's for blood work, since my household is uninsured. I do not think I have any of the signs. Just always fatigued. Besides I am sure I have bad circulation cause my hands and feet are ALWAYS ice cold. When I get cold my fingernails turn blue. I always seem to be freezing. Heck when people are sweating I seem to be shaking. My question to YOU folks is are there ANY vitamins that are known/supposed to help with energy or anything like that?! So many things I could research/look up but then I'd be bombarded with too much stuff and be overwhelmed. I do not want to take IRON pills if I do not need them. That I know can make you sick and I already take a multi vitamin daily.

I really HATE the no energy everyday. I look at my dvd's/workout tapes/workout equipment and WANTING to do them. Wanting to do so much, but simply not being able to cause I truly have no energy! I always had energy when I began. slowly started to deteriorate. I had MORE energy when I was 225 lbs then I do now, and then I did not want to work out and did. Now I want to, but can't.

I am still eating my calories! :) Making sure to meet them everyday. No more 1200 or less girl. Has been that way for a LONG time now. So glad I made that transformation!! Looking back at that and how long it took me to snap out of what I was doing to myself. So thankful for that. I thank my marathon I signed up for. THAT is what made me realize, and change.

I can NOT imagine how I would feel if I was still eating 1200!!! If I am eating MORE now 1400-1800 depending on the day, and I have no energy/lethargic can you imagine how I'd feel at 1200 or less?! WOW. :-\

On another "note" my body does NOT like ground meat. I have tried it couple times past 3 months. I NORMALLY would have ground TURKEY cause I do not like to eat much red meat (I only eat a 4 oz steak once a month for red meat that's all) BUT the past 3 months the grocery store I go to HAS NOT had ANY!!! Seriously. I chose to do ground meat which was the SAME calories. Each time it upsets my stomach and I have GI issues. Well I made chili the other day and after 1 day I finally made decision I am not eating the rest of it (which happens to be 9 cups). Enough is enough. I am done.

That is about all folks!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Running from an Angel 1/2 Marathon 1-7-12 (My FIRST!)

I have been thinking about writing this race report since the day it happened. Even now I do not know what to really say about it. It was one that there was not much to say about.

I mean who wants to write a race report that is not a happy or a GREAT one period let alone regarding their FIRST 1/2?! Surely not me. I don't. Truth is though I have to.

It may not be the normal race report where I am gloating the whole time and & beyond happy. This is real though, and in life you will face these challenges. :)

Let me start with a little background starting 2 days before. (1-5-12) On this day I was worrying about EVERY last detail. Like seriously from start to finish, hows, whys, whats, whens, whos...ya you get it. This was a day of panic. On this day I also had dinner of undercooked pork. I popped it in microwave to try to cook it more but did not help much so I went w/ eating it since we were already really late for dinner.

Next day (1-6-12) I woke not feeling well. I just felt...ick. In the way that my stomach hurt, I had no appetite, I can't even describe it...I just did not feel "right". I chalked it up to nerves. That is when I wrote my last blog. Talking about the nerves.


Later that night (still 1-6-12) at dinner time I was still feeling the same but little worse. I realized then...wait this can NOT be nerves. It never was. I had stomach cramps AND gas. The TMI warning is that the gas was beyond RANCID. So sorry for telling you this!! It was AWFUL. It would make you tear and gag. It was just bad bad BAD. I just wanted to not move the WHOLE day. I was so nausea, and miserable.

Now the morning of the race...(1-7-12)

I woke up feeling same way but probably even little more worse since now I did not want to even TRY to eat or drink anything. I just wanted to vomit, curl in a ball, and do anything BUT move. Frankly breathing made me nausea.

I FORCED myself to eat something since I knew even though I NEVER have eaten (except a banana) before a run I NEEDED to before my 1rst half and there was 2 hours before my race so it was perfect. I ate a whole wheat bagel thin, 1/2 TB grape jelly, & PB2, w/ a banana. I knew these things would not bother me BECAUSE I had eaten the jelly and bagel thin before on other items before a race (that was in afternoon) so they did not bother me separate they would be fine together.

I just wanted this day to be over with. There was no nerves, there was no jitters, there was no adrenaline (I always have those before a race!!) ALL there was was the intense feeling of wanting to vomit and poop my pants (literally again sorry!) at the same time.

I chomped on 2 tums shortly after and headed out for the long drive. ALL I could think about was "don't poop your pants" over and over again. Trust me I recited it over and over again from the time I woke up through out the WHOLE RUN!

We arrived & nothing was different then it had been EXCEPT there were no porta potties EXCEPT 1 in the middle of the race. Man I prayed literally to let me get through this NOT having to poop. I was truly miserable. I did not want to be there nor do it because I did not want to move. I felt so nasty.

Count down begins...10..9...8...7...6..5..4...3...2...1...and were off. I took off SLOWLY and remained SLOW the whole time. Those of you know during race time you naturally pick up speed and all the excitement. Ya...not today. Not for me. No way. Even if I wanted to try (which I did not) my body did NOT pick up any speed but instead LOST speed.

Right when we turn the corner (1/4 mile after start) there was the 1rst HILL. I literally said in my head (I don't THINK I said it out loud but I may have lol) SERIOUSLY? ALREADY?!!

This course is ALL rolling STEEP STEEP hills. me. PLEASE?!

I chugged SLOW SLOW SLOW up the hills not caring because all I wanted to do was get itover with no matter what. I just wanted to go home.

Note: I do not mean to be a downer about my 1rst half but I felt like ^%$#.

I DID want to be there believe me that is why I went but at the same time I just wanted to crawl in a ball and vomit.

I was happy I was doing this. It just consisted of ALOT of mantras, talking to my self, struggling, and overwhelming urge to cry like a baby because I wanted to whine about not feeling good. I did not though. I held my head up and I chugged along. Telling myself only 12 miles to go. Water stop is only  so and so amount ahead you can stop there.

When I went into this (I think before I realized I was sick) I planned on ONLY stopping at water stop @ miles 4 and 9 to grab ONLY a gel. I mean I payed $95 for this race (65 for race and 30 for entrance to area) LEAST I can do was get a gel since my calories wont allow me any of their food. I also brought my camelbak.

That was what was planned. Now what really happened was I stopped at ALOT more then just those.

I was doing great. I chugged along going uphill uphill uphill. I chose to take sips from my camelbak (which for long runs ALWAYS consist of 1/2 water, 1/2 powerade zero) when I passes a water stop. I did nto stop until mile 4 when I planned on it. I grabbed a gel and fought FOREVER to get it in ym pouch! Grr lol

So I walked through to grab that gel then started running again. I also grabbed cup of water. I had brought 2 GU's with me but I still wanted there gels (hammer gel) to have so I cna actually try them out. I was supposed to take my 1rst gel @ mile 5.

Well mile 5 passed and I did NOT want to take it. I swear I was so nausea that like before the idea of any liquid and/or food/gel or anything made me feel that much more worse. Mile 6 came and I knew I should take the gel. Just cause that is what I trained for. I could probably go w/o it the whole time but I should just take it. SO I did. UGH....I did not like that idea. Neither did my stomach. Can I puke now please? ::tummy thunder::

Up to this point I had only taken 2 SIPS of my camelbak stuff. When I drank it it made me feel so horrible. I just could not do it anymore.

Almost to the turnaround a running coach from FB I know saw me and "cheered" for me giving me a high five. Wow at that point you have no idea how much I needed that.

I reached the turnaround point. I called out my number so the person could record it saying I reached there...

I thought OMGoodness I am half way there!! I know I am making this sound so bad...I was not moping my whole time I just could not be jumping up and down on the outside like my mind and body was on the inside. I told myself alot of times Baby girl, WOMEN you are doing are earning this. Get that bling baby!! :-D Among other things. I was happy and excited I was doing this. I mean I was doing this PERIOD, let alone I was PUSHING THROUGH when I felt horrible. That says alot about myself.

Starting mile 7 is when I had to walk so much more then I wanted to. A whole lot more. The hills were killing me, I was tired, I gave up on running the whole thing. I could not even tell you how much of running and walking I did. My legs burned, my lungs burned, my energy was never to be found to begin with, EVERYTHING in me wanted to quit...EXCEPT my heart. THAT is what I followed. I don't listen to the other things..I follow my heart when it comes to running. Everything else is just EVIL!

I walked through the rest of the stations to get water. THAT was the only thing I could drink. I NEEDED water. My body WANTED the water so I took it and gulped the whole dang full cup down. Awww...this is better!

I ran a few secs then had to walk. I do not mean like the Galloway method. There was not  an ahh break feeling then able to push myself faster because of it. It was a ...collapse....walking of 16+min per mile walk and then a prob even slower run. I could not run for long. At this point I was exhausted from the dang BRUTAL friggin hills! Let's not forget I never had energy.

Speaking of energy...GU did not help me. GU's have NEVER helped me. I tried them 2 other times and they did nothing for me but I thought I just needed to give them a chance. Nah they just dont work for me :( Hmm....

I never took my 2nd GU, For one because if the 1rst did not help and they never do why would I want to take a 2nd...and second MOST IMPORTANTLY there was no way my body would allow me to...unless I wanted to be in the pushed hurling.

I got to mile 12. :') ONLY 1 mile to go. I touched that mile 12 sign (I was walking up to it @ that point) took deep breath, and said to myself run this last mile. DO NOT WALK. Finish strong hun. You can do this!!

12.30 came and that went out the window. I would not finish if I did not walk all that I did. I do not know if it was cause the hills, cause I was not well, or heck both combined. I ran some walked some til 12.85 miles. I finally saw the downhill finish (1/4 mile) and ran it...ALL. FINALLY. haha

I turned a few corners and crossed over those finish mats.

The finish should be something exciting, but it wasn't. Nobody was cheering. Nobody was standing there clapping or smiling. As I turned those corners people stared at me with dead stares. Noone except the timing guy was there at the finish mats, and even HE had his head down.

My family was there indeed, but there backs were turned. They knew nothing until I walked up to them and said "wow...thanks.".

At this point my body was HURTING I wanted to cry. I mean literally it ached so bad. I had aches,pains, cramps, everything. It was taken my breath away. ALL I wanted to do was stretch cry, and drink all that water they had. So I got a few glasses and that is exactly what I did. We left right away and headed home.

That's it. I even had to stand at the finish line trying to get the medal from the kid handing them out. I was standing right in front of him WAITING for my medal. He didn't care. I had to say " I get one of those?!" with an attitude he said "uh? YA!!" rolling his eyes. Ugh...kid your lucky you are under 18.

With all this I finished in 2:31:54.

Seem like a crappy 1rst 1/2?! Probably. I mean I agree it was. Would I change it if I could? NO!!!!

Do you know why?!

I finished! I did it! I got my bling! I was able to do something I never thought in a million years I would be able to do!

I pushed through my circumstances. Felling like HELL I was able to finish.

The hills were BEYOND brutal. Not just because I was sick..but because that is how they are. They are known to be brutal vicious steep rolling crappy hills!!

I was sick....but I DID IT!!
It was brutal hills...but I DID IT!!

I DID MY 1rst 1/2 marathon!!!!

My July's 1/2 is the EXACT place with just a different name since it is in the dead HEAT.

I have my next 1/2 on March 10. That is when I have a 1/2 every 2 weeks for 6 weeks.

Will I do better?!

Probably not. I hope I do not do worse BUT I do not expect to do better. Why?!

Well cause EVERY single 1/2 is HILLS!!! My next one is told/known to be ALOT worse then this one. So I can only expect to do same if not a little worse.

Know what matters to me? That I FINISH! That's all!

I wore my bling the WHOLE...ENTIRE...DAY! ;)

I am not just saying this folks I mean it...I thought of you guys while I was running it. ALL the encouragement, words, hugs, spirit, EVERYTHING you guys have shown me daily was with me and still is. You guys are my family! I thank EACH and EVERYONE of you from the bottom of my heart!

Now here are some pictures!

**Warning!! I was still smiling throughout the whole thing so be advised you will see smiles!** haha Just cause I was sick does not mean I should not smile or act like ME. This was going to happen no matter what. Im stubborn!

Back of my tech was brought to my attention son. Look @ him in the background there. Yes indeed he was copying my pose :') I did not know he was caught in the pic until someone asked me if that is what he was doing. My heart smiled and I giggled. THAT'S MY BOY!

 What I felt like doing...

Oh I go!

My mother and I...

Right when I finished.
#1 is for my FIRST 1/2!
My race bling!
After a warm bath. Sporting my bling the entire day.

THANK YOU ALL for being there/here with me for my lifelong journey!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dang you nerves....

My nerves are plain out SHOT! They have NEVER been like this before! I slept just BARELY last night. Hard time falling asleep, hard time staying asleep, waking up super early.

To top it off I have no appetite, I am exhausted so all I want to do is SLEEP, my tummy is upset and I feel nausea!

I do not want to do anything except lay down stare ahead and NOT move, ALL....DAY...LONG.

That is how I started feeling last night. My nerves are plain out SHOT BECCCAAUUUSSEEE of my first 1/2 tomorrow!

I am a worry wart. Not just saying I mean REALLY. I have to PLAN everything out from the 1rst to last second. I HAVE to KNOW what I am goign to do before I do it.

So I have been FREAKING out on every little detail about the 1/2.

98% of the worry revolves around the issue of whether or not I want to bring my camelbak. I was sure I was NOT goign to but now I think I AM. There are so many pros and cons either way. Though there seems to be ALOT more CONS to BRINGING it. Thing is though the one big CON that is outweighing the pros of NOT bringing it is I WONT HAVE IT IF I NEED IT.

If this was a NORMAL flat 13 miler I would w/o a doubt not be questioning it. I mean my normal training runs of 13 miles I use 1 cup of 1/2 powerade zero 1/2 water solution. ONLY 1 cup the whole way. THIS course though is all HUGE hills...HUGE rolling HILLS.

I have never ran so many hills PERIOD let alone 13 miles of them. If you have ever ran hills I would hope you would know what a difference it makes in your breathing, and the way you feel.

Then I wanted to FORCE myself to WALK through the water stations so I can get used to it. I mean for my 1rst FULL in November I want to walk through the stations JUST to give my legs a LITTLE break so I make it through the 26.2 miles. If I am wearing my camelbak though I figure why do I need to walk through them if I have my own drink? I wont do it tomorrow and I wont do it for my full.

I AM going to walk through stations 4 and 9 though. JUST so I can grab a hammer gel. I have never tried them, and I am bringing my own GU's BUT I paid $95 (30 to enter lake mead & 65 for race) dang it and I am getting "nothing" except the bling, since I can not eat their food. Already planned tomorrow and have NO CALORIES to spare. So LEAST I can get out of it is 2 gels!! Then I can try them @ home one time.

I really dislike the unknown. I have never been this freaked out about a run/race EVER! I just do not feel "well". My nerves have gotten he best of me and this plain out sucks.

I know I need to enjoy it, and I hope & imagine when tomorrow comes I will. Well as MUCH as you can enjoy TORTUROUS  killer hills that is. LOL.

I am just so beyond nervous, scared, worried, and whatever else you can think.

I have to do CORE ST'ing today...and I have to find the power to do it. Seriously I really don't want to. I don't feel good.

I know when it comes to these things...knowing what is going to happen and how you are going to feel is IMPOSSIBLE.

Right now I just know my tummy is upset, I am not hungry, I don't want to eat drink or talk, and on a positive note...


That is all folks!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My 1rst half is in 2 days!!

There really is not much to say...I have been a ball of nerves (only @ moments through out the day) for a while now because of the thought of this.

It happens in 2 days. Just 2 days. Oh geez. I can't help but to keep looking & reciting in my head what my MEDAL HOLDER says "Always Earned Never Given". Damn right! I am going to EARN this medal. I will either DRAG myself on my hands through the finish, and/or collapse when I finish! HAHA okok maybe not either, but still!! <em>334</em>

I was supposed to go on a 60 min walk yesterday  & the next 2 days, BUT my legs are so fatigued. I mean REALLY fatigued. So so soooo heavy. So I am not doing ANYTHING except my 1 mile run @ night. To try and give them a rest. I can only HOPE they are not like this on Saturday!

I posted this in a group I am in on Facebook that is of running girl here local (never met any of them) about the 1/2: Tomorrow I pick up my packet for Angel 1rst 1/2 marathon. Oh tummy is in a knot thinking of it. My legs are so fatigued since yesterday. Like REALLY fatigued. So so heavy. :-\ I was supposed to walk 60 mins yesterday and today but I am not doing ANYTHING except 1 mile run tonight JUST so I can give them rest. I only HOPE that they are not like this come Saturday!! I hope I see SOMEONE from here there. :) I'll be the puggy little girl in fetal position on the ground rocking saying "Hills are my friend, I think I can I think I can I think I can...uh 13 miles? I don't know!!" :-P

Love it lol.

I also hope their stations are stocked good enough FOR ME. I am NOT wearing my camel back that I wear all the time while training. I want to be "free" and I have never heard anything bad about their stations. I just hope I can go that long w/o water and not need it sooner cause of the hills. During my normal runs I only take 2-3 sips so...that has me nervous but it's what I want to do. The stations will be about every 1.5 miles.

Not much more to say. It is only 8 am.

I really do not like to do NOTHING. I go nuts and I feel so guilty!!! I NEED to be doing something. Hmm...... I will be doing upper body ST'ing today.

That is all folks!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The world & it's pushing influences/standards...Some run talk. (Maybe little long)

I have no idea why I came up w/ that title.

I have been "struggling" with my mind, going back & forth on decisions I have made a while back regarding my training plan for my FULL marathon (my 1rst!) coming in November. I figured out what I wanted to do, or should I say NOT do. I was good with it, and then....recently , blah.

Just about EVERY day there is SOMEONE, or SOMETHING saying what you should or should not do for training for/running a marathon. It is overwhelming & just done right ANNOYING now. It has drove me nuts far to long. I am tired of "doubting" myself & the plans I have made.

There is ALWAYS some kind of article or person telling me I need to do this, or I should be doing this, or this is right, this is wrong. I have let it get the best of me sometimes.

I have not been upset or sad or anything drag me down kind of way but I HAVE been getting overwhelmed and feeling like I am losing my mind, and frankly doing it ALL WRONG when it comes to my running.

I am no expert and I do not know what will work for others, but what I do know is what my GUT is telling me to do. To bad my mind won't shut it's mouth!!

I am "tired" of the influences/standards trying to be PUSHED onto me. Whether it be by someone who has NEVER run before, or someone who has run 1000000000000 marathons. JUST because something works for you does not mean it is right for others. If there was a "RIGHT" way of doing it then EVERYONE would agree and there would only be ONE way not 1000 ways and a MILLION articles published everyday telling you what you are to do.

I will be following my OWN plan for my marathon in the way of I will be doing my NORMAL 1 hour run 2 days a week, HILL run every other week, and LSD on weekend when I have the TIME to. I am following the RUNNERS WORLD plan ONLY for LSD runs.

No I am not following the plan and running 5 days a week. I am only running 3-4. No I am not following the plan and running 50 miles a week, nor am I following the plan and running MORE then the 5-5.5 miles I can run in that HOUR of running I will do during the week. No I am not doing speed work nor tempo runs nor anything else. I am JUST going to run.

I do not care what Jeff, Hal, Runner's world, etc say. I CARE what I say.

I have come this far (13.1 mile runs for "FUN") by adding my own mileage doing my own thing.

What do I want from my MARATHON..I just want to do it!!! I want to finish I want that medal and I want to say I DID it!

Listening &/or reading all this "junk" being thrown/pushed on/at me is not FUN. It takes the FUN out of running. When it no longer becomes FUN, it is no longer enjoyable. I want to run FOREVER not just for RIGHT now.

Now PLEASE noone get me wrong if you have followed a plan and done wonderful..CONGRATS. You CHOSE to follow that & do what you did. AWESOME JOB!! I....I just am not choosing to drown in the information that is bombarding me every time I turn on my dang computer. Ugh. I will no longer feel like I NEED to do this or I NEED to do that. Nor will I feel like I am FAILING because I can't or will NOT do what this ir that person says to do. Heck if I followed everyone I'd be running 7 days a week 60 miles a day at a 1 min/mile pace.

BITE ME!! emoticon

I also read today that you should not do more then ONE 20 mile run in your training when OTHERS say MORE then one 20 mile run. Well I am running 3 20 mile runs. So...

All that I have said ABOVE is not with an attitude, or anything else. The whole time I have been writing I am happy, and smiling. I mean NO HARM or no NEGATIVENESS. I just mean enough is enough FOR ME.

Next...running subject. My IT Band. I do not know what I have done right and I am not questioning it. I just would like to know so I can KEEP doing it!! I have been PAIN FREE for 6 runs now!!! The ONLY difference there has been is the day BEFORE it STOPPED hurting I started walking ONE hour a DAY. SO ONLY thing that makes sense to me is that walking has been working muscles that running does not. I have had a TWINGE once or twice where it felt like ti was starting back that point I WALKED for MAYBE 30 secs just to relax it, then picked right back up on running. Has not happened EVERYTIME just once during a run every now and then.

I have my VERY FIRST HALF marathon in just 3 days!!!! Look at the ELEVATION/HILL chart for what I will be facing...

Oh me oh my!!

Now on another subject...

I have me walking 60 mins a day, doing my ST'ing & doing everything right. I will leave it at that lol. I find it SO AMAZING how what bloat goes away (from eating bad last year holidays) you feel a HUGE difference & it is so noticeable. I am actually looking forward to weigh in's!!

I have been relaxed, remaining positive, and staying motivated. Has nothing to do with the 1rst of year. I do not make resolutions. I make goals. My goals are not any different then the ones I already had in 2011. I am tired of having the same goal since 2010.

DO I want to lose this last bit of weight? YES!! DO I want to hurry? NO!! All I am MAINLY focused on right now is training and being able to run my 1/2's and marathon. Weight will do what it wants. I just know I am and will be doing everything right.

I am known to worry about every last detail constantly 24/7. I am a big ball of worry. Well maybe I shall reword that. I WAS. I am doing my best to think of it as it is out of my hands, so what is the point of worrying?! It is out of my control nothing I can do about it.

Such as I will name ONE thing...last night I got a letter from Medicaid (only assistance I have ever been able to get from Government!) saying ym children my pride and joys...have been terminated because we make to much. Do you know how much more?...50.00 more. (My hubby is working ONE job now 6 hours a day 5 days a week) So now my boys have NO INSURANCE. I was relaxed...ALL I thought was nothing I cna do. It is out of my hands, out of my control. Worrying about tomorrow will only shed today of it's happiness. As well as one last thought...Don't worry when good things go is only making way for something better.

When I said NEW YEAR NEW ME. I meant it.

That is about all folks!! If you read this far...THANKS!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Yesterday's weigh in/progress pictures.

I did not have the chance to post yesterday so I am posting the weigh in scale picture that I will be posting EVERY Sunday when I weigh in & my MONTHLY progress picture that will be posted 1rst of every month.

I did my 1 mile run yesterday (any day I do not normally run I will be running 1 mile), and did my normal 5 miles today. :)

Posting the number keeps me feeling accountable since the world sees the number. :)

Front View 159 lbs

Side View 159 lbs

Back View 159 lbs.

That's all folks!